Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Dispatcher Auto-Populate

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

Resource Center Home

When an incident is created as a result of a customer call, the Dispatcher field is set to unassigned. If a Dispatcher edits that incident in Responder Explorer (right-click the incident and select Edit), that user is automatically entered in the Dispatcher field and assigned to the incident. You can change this behavior to leave the Dispatcher field value as "Unassigned" until a user changes it.  

  1. Open Miner.Responder.Explorer.exe.config. By default, this file is installed here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miner and Miner\Responder\Client.
  2. Look for the following XML

    Copy Code
      <add key="DispatcherAutoPopulation" value="true"/>

  3. Set the value attribute.
    • True: The Dispatcher field is automatically populated with the current user, as long as that user is a valid choice in that field. This is the default setting.
    • False: The Dispatcher field value remains "Unassigned" until a user sets it.
  4. Save and close Miner.Responder.Explorer.exe.config.


Figure 1, Dispatcher field is <Unassigned> on new incident


Figure 2, User edits incident and Dispatcher field is auto-populated with current user

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