Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Create Relationships

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

Resource Center Home

Create a relationship between the SwitchingFacility or Substation and any device that can connect to the SwitchingFacility/Substation. These devices may include: DynamicProtectiveDevice, Fuse, Switch (or DynamicProtectiveDeviceBank, FuseBank, SwitchBank). Below is an example of the necessary relationship properties.

Sample Names: SwitchingFacility_Fuse, Substation_FuseBank

Type: Simple

Cardinality: 1 - M

Origin: SwitchingFacility or Substation

Primary Key: Field with the SUBSTATIONID model name assigned

Foreign Key: Field with the SUBSTATIONID model name assigned

Destination: Fuse or FuseBank


Reverse Relationships

Most commonly, the destination object in a relationship is also the related object and the source participates in the geometric network. For example, the Transformer is the origin and participates in the network, and the TransformerUnit is the destination and the related object to the Transformer. 

In Reverse Relationships, the opposite is true. The origin is the related object and does not participate in the network. For example, an Electric Station is related to a Fuse. The Electric Station is a point feature that does not participate in the network. Yet the Electric Station is the origin in the relationship between the two (Substation_Fuse).

Traditional relationship: Source participates in network and destination is related object.

Reverse relationship: Source is related object and destination participates in the network.



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