Smart Grid Applications Overview > Responder Overview > Implement Responder > Configure Responder > Responder Server > Responder Windows Service > Configure Responder Windows Service |
Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1 |
You may modify the Responder Windows Service configuration using the Miner.Responder.WindowsService.exe.config file. This configuration file allows you to determine the Responder services started when you use the Start Responder tool in the Start menu. The configuration file is installed here: Miner and Miner\Responder\Server.
When installing Responder Server either as an upgrade, this configuration file is reset so that all Count values for all services are set to 0. To use Windows Services, you will need to reset these values. If you're installing for the first time, these values will also need to be set.
The Count values indicate the number of services to run when the user selects Start Resonder Windows Service from the Start Menu. Reset these values as appropriate to ensure services are indeed started when the user selects this option. If at any time the login user changes for the Responder services, this configuration will need to be done. Look for the following XML:
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<ProgramGroup Name="Data Services" Path="miner.responder.dataservices.exe" Arguments="-configuration:default" Count="0" DevPathHint="d:\aspen\source\miner.responder\miner.responder.dataservices\bin\debug" RecoveryAction="RestartProgram" /> <ProgramGroup Name="Prediction Services" Path="miner.responder.predictionservices.exe" Arguments="-configuration:default" Count="0" DevPathHint="d:\aspen\source\miner.responder\miner.responder.predictionservices\bin\debug" RecoveryAction="RestartProgram" /> <ProgramGroup Name="Archive Services" Path="miner.responder.archiveservices.exe" Arguments="-configuration:default" Count="0" DevPathHint="d:\aspen\source\miner.responder\miner.responder.archiveservices\bin\debug" RecoveryAction="RestartProgram" /> <ProgramGroup Name="Line Display Services" Path="miner.responder.linedisplayservice.exe" Arguments="-configuration:default" Count="0" DevPathHint="d:\aspen\source\miner.responder\miner.responder.linedisplayservice\bin\debug" RecoveryAction="RestartProgram" /> |
Set the Count value to the number of services to be started. This will need to be done if you change the login for the Responder Services.
The next configuration allows you to change a few settings. Look for the <ServiceSettings> tags. Between these tags (generally toward the bottom), look for the <WebServer> tag.
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<WebServer Enabled="true" Port="7997" AllowRemoteRequests="false" /> |
You may set the following attribute values, if necessary:
Enabled: Determines whether the built-in web server is enabled. An enabled built-in web server provides access to live configuration (i.e., the Responder Services do not have to be restarted after changes using the Responder Windows Server). True=Enabled (default setting); False=Disabled
Port: This attribute controls the port number of the web server. Enter the number of any unused port. The default is 7997.
AllowRemoteRequests: Determines whether the Responder Windows Service may be accessed using its web page from a remote machine. True=remote access allowed; False=restricts access to local machine only (default setting).
If you modify this file while the Responder Windows Service is running, the changes will not be picked up until the service is re-started.
Memory Control
The following settings may be added to limit or recycle the amount of memory used by each service.
To modify these values add them to the ProgramGroup tag for each service. In the example below, the maximum memory size for Data Services and Prediction Services is 500,000. The maximum memory size for Archive Services remains at the default (800,000), but the service will be reset every 24 hours to clear the memory usage.
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<ProgramGroup Name="Data Services" Path="miner.responder.dataservices.exe" Arguments="-configuration:default" Count="0" DevPathHint="d:\aspen\source\miner.responder\miner.responder.dataservices\bin\debug" RecoveryAction="RestartProgram" MaximumPrivateMemorySizeInKB="500,000"/> <ProgramGroup Name="Prediction Services" Path="miner.responder.predictionservices.exe" Arguments="-configuration:default" Count="0" DevPathHint="d:\aspen\source\miner.responder\miner.responder.predictionservices\bin\debug" RecoveryAction="RestartProgram" MaximumPrivateMemorySizeInKB="500,000"/> <ProgramGroup Name="Archive Services" Path="miner.responder.archiveservices.exe" Arguments="-configuration:default" Count="0" DevPathHint="d:\aspen\source\miner.responder\miner.responder.archiveservices\bin\debug" RecoveryAction="RestartProgram" MaximumLifetime="24:00:00"/> <ProgramGroup Name="Line Display Services" Path="miner.responder.linedisplayservice.exe" Arguments="-configuration:default" Count="0" DevPathHint="d:\aspen\source\miner.responder\miner.responder.linedisplayservice\bin\debug" RecoveryAction="RestartProgram" MaximumLifetime="24:00:00"/> |