Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Configuration File

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

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The basic Network Adapter-DMS configuration for CIM is done in the NetworkAdapter.exe.config file.

  1. Open NetworkAdapter.exe.config. This file is installed in the Program Files (x86)\ArcFM Solution\Bin directory.
  2. The Default attribute in the NetworkAdapterSection tag determines the configuration of the Network Adapter export. You can add multiple configurations including database connection information in this configuration file. The Default value indicates the configuration to use. Select either the sample MinervilleToCIM configuration, or create a custom configuration for CIM export.
            <NetworkAdapterSection Default="ConfigName">
  3. Use the <add> tag to specify a new custom configuration or edit an existing configuration. Provide information for the following attributes of the <add> tag:
       <add name="ConfigName" GeometricNetworkName="ARCFM.ElecGeomNetwork" GlobalIDs="false">
    • Name: Use this attribute to specify a name for the connection.
    • GeometricNetworkName: The name of the electric geometric network in the geodatabase. Be sure to include the prefix (e.g., ARCFM.ElecGeomNetwork).
    • GlobalIDs: Use this attribute to enable the export of GlobalIDs. By default, this value is set to False (GlobalIDs not exported). Set this value to True to include GlobalID values in your export. If this attribute does not exist, it defaults to false. Add it and set it to true to enable support for GlobalIDs.

GlobalIDs and Data: If the GlobalIDs value is enabled, then every feature class in the network must have a populated GlobalID field. If this field doesn't exist on each feature class or is not populated, you will experience data errors when exporting.


  1. Under the <add> tag is the <SdeElement> tag. Use the attributes in this tag to set the geodatabase connection information.
            <SdeElement Server="optimus" Instance="5152" Version="SDE.DEFAULT" User="arcfm" Password="*#Kk%(RJcJBiLokdw=">
    • Server: Enter the name of the server.
    • Instance: Enter the instance.
    • Database: This attribute is necessary only for SQLServer connections or Access databases. For SQLServer, enter the database. For Access, enter the path to the geodatabase. You can enter a file geodatabase (.gdb) or a personal geodatabase (.mdb)
    • Version: Enter the version to export feeders.
    • User: Enter the user name to be used to log in.
    • Password: Enter the password that corresponds with the user name. This password is encrypted when you run the Network Adapter executable file.
  2. Configure the WorkspaceFactory element as shown below. The QualifiedTypeName attribute specifies the type of workspace.
    • Oracle and SQL Server:
              <WorkspaceFactory QualifiedTypeName="Esri.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB.SdeWorkspaceFactoryClass, 
                      Esri.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8fc3cc631e44ad86" />
    • Access Geodatabases:
        <WorkspaceFactory QualifiedTypeName="Esri.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB.AccessWorkspaceFactoryClass, 
                      Esri.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8fc3cc631e44ad86" />
  3. Locate the following XML:
    Copy Code
    <add name="Map to CIM DataSource"
    ChildName="Validate Phase"
    type="Miner.Geodatabase.CIM.Pipeline.CreateDataSources, Miner.Geodatabase.CIM, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc"
    AttributeMap="CIMMapping.Minerville.DMSv3.2.xml" />

    Replace CIMMapping.Minerville.DMSv3.2.xml with your Mapping XML file name.

  4. Save NetworkAdapter.exe.config.

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