Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
OASyS - Configure Smart Grid Listener Service

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

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This step is required for OASyS and DMS integrations with Responder. If you're implementing both DMS and OASyS, the following configuration needs to be done only ONCE.

This step is performed on the Responder Server.

In this section, you will configure the Smart Grid Listener Service. You will need to modify the Smart Grid Listener Service configuration file.

  1. Browse to and open Miner.Smartgrid.ListenerService.exe.config. By default, this file is installed here: \Program Files\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server.
  2. Look for the following bit of XML: 

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    <add key="fillMetadata" value="true"/>
    <add key="connection" value="Data Source=GDB Name;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=SMARTGRID;Password=SMARTGRID"/>
    <add key="driverAssembly" value="Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection, Oracle.DataAccess, Version=, 
        Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342"/>

If you're configuring to use a SQL database, the XML would look like the following example.

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    <add key="fillMetadata" value="yes"/>
    <add key="connection" value="Data Source=GDB Name;InitialCatalog=SMARTGRID;User ID=SMARTGRID;Password=SMARTGRID"/>
    <add key="driverAssembly" value="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection,System.Data, Version=, 
  1. For the Data Source value, enter the name of the geodatabase in which the Smart Grid tables reside. Enter the user name/password for the Smart Grid user. If you're configuring a SQL database set the InitialCatalog value to the name of the database.
  2. Set all "hostName" values to the name of your OASyS server. The best way is to perform a search for hostName and set the Value attribute for each one in the Miner.Smartgrid.ListenerService.exe.config file.
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<add key="hostName" value="OASyS server name"/>

  1. Set all "host" values to the name of your OASyS server. The best way is to perform a search for host and set the Value attribute for each one in the Miner.Smartgrid.ListenerService.exe.config file.
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<add key="host" value="OASyS server name" />
  1. Look for the following lines of XML:
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 <add key="user" value="dnaUser"/>
 <add key="password" value="dnaUser"/>

  1. Enter the user name and password set when you created the dnaUser on the OASyS server.
  2. Save and close Miner.Smartgrid.ListenerService.exe.config.

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