Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Responder Architecture

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

Resource Center Home

Responder is an outage management system (OMS) that allows utilities to track incoming calls from customers and create outage incidents in ArcMap. Below is an example of how Responder may work and how the various servers and databases are involved. Responder is highly customizable, so your architecture may be different.

Responder requires the following:

These components can be housed on the same computer or on separate computers. For this example, we'll have them stored on separate computers to more easily demonstrate how they interact.

The Responder Data Services is the component that binds everything together. Data Services communicates with all of the other components. Prediction Services manages prediction and roll-up in Responder Explorer. Both of these are hosted on the Responder server.

The configuration might look like this:



This sample process flow begins with a call from a customer reporting a power outage or some other power problem (e.g., flickering lights).

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