Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Create Duct Connections

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The Create Duct Connections task allows you to add connectors and splices to depict the travel of conduit through underground facilities such as vaults and manholes. This section describes how to use the Create Splices tool to add splices and the Create Duct Connections tool to add connectors to an underground facility.

  1. Select the Create Duct Connections task. This task will remain disabled unless there are two or more duct banks in the facility diagram.

Two tools are available to create connectors: 1) Generate Duct Connector and 2) Sketch Duct Connector. The Generate Duct Connector tool automatically draws connections between ducts using straight lines. The Sketch Duct Connector tool allows you to draw the line on the map yourself using vertices.

  1. Create connectors with Generate Duct Connector by first selecting the connector subytpe you want to add to the map from the Create Duct Connectors pulldown menu.
  2. Click Generate Duct Connector and select the first duct and then the second duct. The connector is automatically drawn between the two selected ducts.
  3. If you want to place a splice on the diagram and add connectors to it using Generate Duct Connector, first use the Create Splices pulldown menu to select the splice subtype.
  4. Click Place Splices and add the splice to the map using the splice cursor .
  5. Click Generate Duct Connector and click a duct and then click the splice (or vice-versa). A connector line is automatically drawn between the duct and the splice. Continue drawing connectors to the splice in the same manner. The connection between ducts and splices are automatically drawn on the map as shown in the following example.

  1. Create connectors with Sketch Duct Connector by first selecting the connector subtype you want to add to the map from the pulldown menu.
  2. Click Sketch Duct Connector   and select a duct to start the sketch. Draw a sketch with as many vertices as needed. Complete the sketch by clicking on the second duct.
  3. If you want to place a splice on the diagram and add connectors to it using Sketch Duct Connector, first use the pulldown menu to select the splice subtype.
  4. Click Place Splices and add the splice to the map using the splice cursor .
  5. Click Sketch Duct Connector and click a duct or splice to start the sketch. Draw the connector with as many vertices as needed and click the subsequent duct or splice to finish the sketch. The following example depicts connectors drawn on a map using Sketch Duct Connector.

Turn off snapping to duct features when using the Sketch Duct Connector.




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