Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Associate Underground Conductor

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Conduit Manager allows users to associate an underground conductor or cable with a specific duct or trench position in a conduit system. To associate cables with a duct or trench position in the conduit system, make sure you have configured the positions of the conduit. When configured, the Configuration field displays <Binary> in the Attribute Editor.

If you select a conduit system feature that has NOT been configured and a conductor, the Associate to a Conduit tool will not be available.

Associate Related Object

If the feature has been related to the conduit, follow these steps to associate the related feature to a specific duct or trench position.

  1. Expand the conduit system feature to display the relationships. Expand the relationship and select the related conductor or cable.
  2. Right-click the related feature and select Associate to a Conduit. This displays the ArcFM Conduit Association Editor (described below). You may use the Ctrl key to select multiple related features and asssociate them in one step.

    Figure 1, Associate to a Conduit tool for a related object

Associate Unrelated Object

If the feature has NOT been related to the conduit, follow these steps to associate a feature to a specific duct or trench position. Note that the Associate to a Conduit tool will not be available if the conduit system hasn't been configured.

  1. Select the conduit system feature and the feature you want to associate with it.
  2. On the Selection tab of the Attribute Editor, expand the feature layers and select the conduit and the feature to be associated. Use the Ctrl key to select multiple features. You may associate only one conductor feature with the conduit system at a time.
  3. Right-click and select Associate to a Conduit. This displays the ArcFM Conduit Association Editor (discussed below).

Figure 1, Associate to a Conduit tool for an unrelated object

Conduit Association Editor

Access the Conduit Association Editor by associating a related or unrelated feature with a conduit using the Associate to a Conduit tool (steps shown above). The symbology used to display the ducts is describribed in the following Association Editor Symbology section.

  1. To display a conductor's phases after it is placed, select the Place Phases checkbox in the Conduit Association Editor. The conductor will be placed separated into phases (if there are more than one) allowing you to assign each phase to a different duct position. Each phase is preceded by a letter (or letters) indicating the phase. You must have a value selected in the Phase Designation field to place by phases.
  2. When you click a duct position either in the tree or in the graphical display (yellow window on the left), the conductor is placed in that duct position. The duct containing the conductor is displayed in green. You may drag and drop conductors between positions.
  3. You may separate a conductor into phases after it has been associated to a duct or position. Select the conductor and click the Break into Phases button.
  4. To move an associated cable to another position, use the tree on the right side of the Conduit Association Editor. Expand the menu and drag and drop the selected cable to move it to a different position. You may move phases into separate ducts or positions.
  5. Click OK to save edits.

In the figure below, the conductor (52962) in Position 4 is a three-phase conductor placed without displaying phases (Place Phases was not checked). The conductor (52959) in Positions 1, 2 and 6 is a three-phase conductor placed by phases. The A:, B: and C: indicate the phase for that piece of the conduit. When a conductor is broken into phases, the phases may be associated with different ducts within the same duct bank.

If you don't know which duct a conductor belongs to, you can associate the conductor to the conduit only. To do so, after using the Associate to a Conduit right-click command in the Attribute Editor, simply click OK in the ArcFM Conduit Association Editor. Use the same tool when you later know your duct configuration. DO NOT edit ULS position via the Attribute Editor.

Association Editor Symbology

Blue Outline: The selected duct position; corresponds with the duct position selected in the tree

Green Outline: The master duct that contains the subducts currently viewed

Black Cross-Hatching: Contains subducts and no conductors have been associated with the duct or any of its subducts; click View Subducts to display the subducts

Green Cross-Hatching: Contains subducts and a conductor has been associated with duct or one of its subducts; click View Subducts to display the subducts

Solid Green: A conductor has been associated with that duct position

Red Dashed Outline: The duct's Availability Indicator has a value of Unavailable, and conductors may not be assigned to it

Blue Dashed Outline: The duct's Availability Indicator has a value of Unavailable, and conductors may not be assigned to it; the duct is selected in the tree

Solid Red: A conductor has been assigned to an Unavailable duct




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