The Conduit Manager trace task allows you to identify available ducts in your underground network. Before performing your trace, you will need to decide how you want to view your results as well as choose trace barriers using the Conduit Trace Options.
To trace available ducts in conduit systems, a geometric network must exist that includes the conduit system feature class assigned the model name ULS. When the administrator creates this geometric network in ArcCatalog (see Configure Conduit Systems, Configure Conduit Tracing), a feature class is created at the same time called <name of geometric network>_Junctions. This layer may be added to ArcMap so the user can place flags at default junctions or at the underground structure feature class junctions (e.g., manholes, vaults) to define the start and end of the duct availability trace.
- Add <name of geometric network>_Junctions (and other underground junction feature classes belonging to the network) to ArcMap.
- Select network that includes conduit systems at the Utility Network Analyst toolbar, e.g., UndergroundNetwork.
- Select Options from Conduit Manager Trace toolbar.
- Click the Weights tab.
- Set Edge weights to Distance. Weights are set during the building of the underground geometric network (see Configuring ArcFM Solution online help). OR, if desired, click the Weight Filter tab. Set Weight filter to limit the length of conduit sections that will be included in the trace results if Distance is set as the network weight.
- Select the Conduit Traces tab and click the Set Conduit Trace Criteria button or select the Conduit Trace Criteria Setup button from the Conduit Manager Trace toolbar.
- Set criteria including duct size, duct count, trench capacity, material, duct occupants, and duct availability. To generate a report, select the checkbox labeled: Generate a Conduit Trace report upon completion of a trace. Click OK.
- On the Conduit Manager Trace toolbar, select the Conduit Manager Find Path trace.
- Click two conduit system junctions: one to mark the beginning of the trace and one for the end. This places junction flags and initiates the trace. Results will be returned as a selected set or highlighted on the map, depending on the option set.
- You will receive a warning message if there are more than 10,000 features to be buffered (and buffering is enabled).
![](images/hs-note.gif) |
If multiple conduits (or ducts) exist between two trace points (or manholes), the trace returns only the first conduit found.
- You may clear the flags, barriers, and results using the Clear button on the Conduit Manager Trace toolbar. This will NOT clear a selected set.