Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Circuit Schematics

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Circuit schematics show a graphical representation of one or more circuits.

Create a Circuit Schematic

  1. Open a Stored Display.
  2. Enable the Schematics extension and the Schematic toolbar.
  3. Click Generate New Schematic Diagram on the Schematic toolbar to open the New Schematic Diagram window.
  4. Select a schematic dataset or folder from the drop-down menu or use the browse icon to search for the dataset or folder.
  5. Select a schematic diagram template. Available templates vary according to your configuration.
  6. Select [Create New Data Frame] from the Output Data Frame drop-down menu.
  7. Name the schematic diagram and click OK.
  8. Select one or more circuits from the list. You can use the SHIFT and CTRL keys to select multiple circuits. Click Export. 
    It may take a few minutes for this step to complete if this is the first time you've exported this circuit.
  9. A schematic diagram displays in the map window. Use standard ArcMap view commands to view the schematic. The schematic diagram is displayed with the symbols and text options defined by your system administrator:



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