Fiber Manager provides the ability to generate XML or HTML-based reports that graphically display information about your fiber optic network. You can generate the following five reports with Fiber Manager:
- The Allocation Report allows you to graphically view all of the connected fibers within a fiber optic cable.
- The Fiber Trace Report graphically displays the results of a Fiber, OTDR, or Circuit trace. The format of the reports vary by trace type.
- The Glass Report displays an inventory of the fiber optic cables in your network.
- The Patch Panel Connection Report creates a graphical diagram of the layout of a patch panel or series of patch panels within a patch location.
- The Splice Report presents a display of every fiber connection within the selected splice point.
Report Locations
Each fiber report consists of the report itself, an .xml file, and its template, the .xslt file. The .xslt files may require other files, such as images, to support the format of any given report.
- The current user's My Documents folder is the only place where the report itself (the .xml file) is generated, e.g., username\Documents\ArcFM Solution\Fiber Manager\Reports (or, in Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents). Every report you generate creates a single time-stamped .xml file
- The .xslt file and its supporting files, which determine the format of the report, are created in three places when you initially generate a report. If the .xslt is missing from the location where the .xml report resides in the current user's My Documents folder, Fiber Manager looks to each of these locations in the order listed below in order to copy the .xslt back to the current user's My Documents folder. If it does not exist in the first location, it looks in the second location in the list, and so on.
- The current user's My Documents folder (Windows 7: username\Documents\ArcFM Solution\Fiber Manager\Reports, Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents): If only one person at your company creates reports, you can customize the .xslt and associated files in this folder.
- The Public My Documents folder (Windows 7: C:\Users\Public\Documents\ArcFM Solution\Fiber Manager\Reports, Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\ArcFM Solution\Fiber Manager\Reports): If the .xslt and associated files used by that template are missing in the current users's My Documents folder, ArcFM will copy report templates in this folder to the current user's My Documents folder. Use this folder if multiple ArcFM users are responsible for report creation. Remember to delete the .xslt file from the current user's My Documents folder. It's also possible to map the contents of a folder on a network drive to this Public My Documents folder, and maintain .xslt files there instead.
- The ArcFM installation folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Miner and Miner\ArcFM Solution\Bin\Style Sheets\Fiber Manager): If the .xslt and associated files used by that template are missing in the current user's My Documents folder and are also absent from the Public My Document folder, ArcFM will copy report templates in this installation folder to the current user's My Documents folder. You could use these files to restore templates missing from the first two locations in this list.
Report Internationalization
You can customize the numbering formats for values that appear in the Glass Report and the Fiber Trace Report.
Default Numbering Format
Open a report's corresponding .xslt file and examine the decimal and grouping separators at the top of the page:
<xsl:decimal-format name="dformat"
The pattern format (pformat variable) must match the separator values:
<xsl:variable name="pformat"
By default, this would display values in the report as, for example, 2,395.25.
Internationalized Numbering Format
You could alter this code to accommodate the French formatting standard:
<xsl:decimal-format name="dformat"
grouping-separator=" "/>
Then adjust the pattern format (pformat variable) to match the new separator values.
<xsl:variable name="pformat"
select="'### ###,##'"/>
Making this change causes values in the Glass Report to display as, for example, 2 395,25. For internationalizing the Glass Report, this is all you must change. For the Fiber Trace Report, you must complete not only changes to the decimal separator, grouping separator, and pattern format variable, but also additional configuration. This involves locating every further instances of "dformat" (other than those described above) and adjusting the decimal or grouping separator in those variables.
For example, this is the default code that determines the style of a particular column's values:
<td class="length">
<xsl:value-of select="format-number($length, '###,##0.##', 'dformat')"/>
Following the same example as above (changing the report to accommodate the French formatting standard) you would need to change that code as follows in order for the report, and the new numbering format, to display properly:
<td class="length">
<xsl:value-of select="format-number($length, '### ##0,##', 'dformat')"/>
Learn more about the xslt function and element involved: