When the user is prompted to select a compatible unit (CU), the Add Non-GIS CUs button is also enabled. This allows the user to add non-GIS CUs. The user will be prompted to select a CU or add non-GIS CUs only if the template favorite is placed with a design open. All features placed on the map when the template favorite is placed are added to the open design.
Click the Add Non-GIS CUs button to display the following screen.
- Select a non-GIS CU from the list. Use the Ctrl key or Shift key to select multiple non-GIS CUs. The CUs are listed in alphabetical order.
- Enter a value in the Quantity field. You may send multiple non-GIS CUs to the same CU or to multiple CUs.
- You may use the CU Finder functionality at the bottom of the window to search for a specific non-GIS CU. Simply type in a few known letters of a CU in the CU Finder window. The CU Finder will autocomplete the entry. Each time you click the Find Next
button (or Alt + F), the CU Finder will advance to the next match.
- Click Apply to add the non-GIS CUs and retain the Select Non-GIS CUs dialog. Click OK to add the CUs and dismiss the dialog. Click Cancel to dismiss the dialog without adding the CUs.
- Click Next > to continue placing the template favorite.
- You can click Finish to complete placement of the template favorite, accepting as many defaults as possible. You will still be prompted for any required actions.