Create the following relationships. If you are using the sample data, these may already exist. UFM also requires the Conduit_Conductor relationship. This should have been created in the basic configuration for Conduit Manager.
- Origin Table: ConduitSystem
- Destination Table: DuctBank
- Relationship Type: Simple
- Notification: None
- Cardinality: One to Many
- Attributes: none
- Primary Key: ObjectID
- ConduitSystem Foreign Key: RelConduitSystemObjectId
- Origin Table: PriUGElectricLineSegment
- Destination Table: Duct
- Relationship Type: Simple
- Notification: None
- Cardinality: Many to Many (M - N)
- Attributes: PhaseDesignation (long integer)
- Conductor Primary Key: ObjectID
- Conductor Foreign Key: PrimaryConductorOID
- Duct Primary Key: ObjectID
- Duct Foreign Key: DuctOID
- Origin Table: SecUGElectricLineSegment
- Destination Table: Duct
- Relationship Type: Simple
- Notification: None
- Cardinality: Many to Many (M - N)
- Attributes: PhaseDesignation (long integer)
- Conductor Primary Key: ObjectID
- Conductor Foreign Key: SecondaryUGOID
- Duct Primary Key: ObjectID
- Duct Foreign Key: DuctOID