ArcFM Desktop Configuration Guide
Connectable Objects

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This topic describes the settings needed for a feature participating in Connection Manager. The Connection Manager allows you to create or edit fiber connections such as splices between fibers and connections to fibers and equipment.

This topic includes a table that shows the settings used by all features participating in the Connection Manager, a table that shows additional settings used by all features, and a table that shows the settings used by features with implied connections.

Required Settings for all Features Participating in the Connection Manager

The settings below are required for any feature participating in the Connection Manager. These model names must be assigned to the features being connected within the Connection Manager (e.g., fiber strands), NOT the feature that contains them (e.g., FiberOpticCable).

Tips for Using this Table

  • The Field Model Name column contains a value entered in the ArcFM Properties Manager on the Field Model Names tab. If using the worksheet, record the value in Table 5.
  • The Class Model Name column contains values entered in the ArcFM Properties Manager on the Model Names tab. If using the worksheet, record these values in Table 4.




Field Model Name

Class Model Name

Feature or object may be viewed in the Connection Manager



Field appears as a column in the Connection Manager and will be used to sort the data.


Do not assign FIBERCONNECTIONDISPLAYFIELD and FIBERCONNECTIONDISPLAYSORTFIELD to the same field. The FIBERCONNECTIONDISPLAYSORTFIELD can be assigned to ONLY one field in any connectable object class.



Field appears as a column in the Connection Manager


Do not assign FIBERCONNECTIONDISPLAYFIELD and FIBERCONNECTIONDISPLAYSORTFIELD to the same field. The FIBERCONNECTIONDISPLAYSORTFIELD can be assigned to ONLY one field in any connectable object class.


Additional Settings for all Features Participating in the Connection Manager

   Model Names

The settings below can be added to any feature participating in the Connection Manager. These model names must be assigned to the features being connected within the Connection Manager (e.g., fiber strands), NOT the feature that contains them (e.g., FiberOpticCable).

Tips for Using this Table

  • The Example Field Name and Field Data Type columns contain values entered when the feature/object is created. If using the worksheet, record these values in Table 5.
  • The Field Model Name column contains values entered in the ArcFM Properties Manager on the Field Model Names tab. If using the worksheet, record these values in Table 5.
  • The Class Model Name column contains values entered in the ArcFM Properties Manager on the Model Names tab. If using the worksheet, record these values in Table 4.



Example Field Name

Data Type

Field Model Name

Class Model Name

Fields to appear in Connection Manager and reports


Assign this to the connectable object (e.g., strand or port).


Any type except Date



Connections attenuate on the first frequency (usually 1310)

When connected, the object needs to show a loss on the first frequency in the connection table and in Connection Manager. 





Connections attenuate on the second frequency (usually 1550)

When connected, the object needs to show a loss on the second frequency in the connection table and in Connection Manager. 





Connections have a specific connection type

e.g., glue, fusion, mechanical or





Connections made inside specific trays






Connections are long term or permanent

If this model name is assigned and the option is selected in the ArcFM Fiber Settings dialog, a warning is displayed when the object is disconnected





Objects can connect to other objects in the same container

e.g., loopback connections made using a jumper cable between two backside ports






Settings for Features with Implied Connections

Implied connections are the hardwired connections which exist inside a real-world piece of equipment like a patch location, router or switch. These connections are created between children objects which have the same parent. For example, the front and back ports of a patch panel card. This type of connection uses the ArcFM Update Fiber Parent Field autoupdater and the settings contained in the table below.

   ArcFM Update Fiber Parent Field Autoupdater

The ArcFM Update Fiber Parent Field autoupdater must be assigned to the relationship between the source object and its parent object (e.g., panel card and front port). The ArcFM Update Fiber Parent Field autoupdater must also be assigned to the relationship between the destination object and its parent (e.g., panel card and back port).

If all the settings are correct, the ArcFM Update Fiber Parent Field autoupdater fires a task that automatically creates the implied connection relationship. If the task finds a source object (e.g., a patch panel’s front port assigned the FiberImpliedConnectionSource model name) that matches with a destination object object (e.g., a patch panel’s back port assigned the FiberImpliedConnectionDestination model name), it creates a connection between those source and destination objects.

   Model Names

The settings in the table below create a simple relationship from the source object to the destination object based on the GlobalID field of the source object and the FiberImpliedConnectionSourceGUID field of the destination object.


Tips for Using this Table

  •  The class model names The Example Field Name and Data Type columns contain values entered when creating the feature/object. If using the worksheet, record these values in Table 5.
  • The Field Model Name column contains values entered in the ArcFM Properties Manager on the Field Model Names tab. If using the worksheet, record these values in Table 5.
  • The Class Model Name column contains values entered in the ArcFM Properties Manager on the Model Names tab. If using the worksheet, record these values in Table 4.



Example Field Name

Data Type

Field Model Name

Class Model Name

Source objects


 In the source object, this represents the objects own number.

  • The source and destination objects must have the same data type.
  • The source and destination objects must have the same parent.
  • An object can never be both a source and a destination. The class model names FIBERIMPLIEDCONNECTIONSOURCE and FIBERIMPLIEDCONNECTIONDESTINATION are never assigned to the same object or feature.
  • The value in this field must match the number in the destination's corresponding field, otherwise an implied connection will not be made.
  • If the ports are always connected in a 1-to-1 relationship (meaning 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, … n-n) then you can use the existing PortNumber field.

Long Integer



Destination objects


In the destination object, this represents the number of the corresponding input object to which it is connected.

  • The source and destination objects must have the same data type.
  • The source and destination objects must have the same parent.
  • An object can never be both a source and a destination. The class model names FIBERIMPLIEDCONNECTIONSOURCE and FIBERIMPLIEDCONNECTIONDESTINATION are never assigned to the same object or feature.
  • The value in this field must match the number in the source's corresponding field, otherwise an implied connection will not be made.
  • If the ports are always connected in a 1-to-1 relationship (meaning 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, … n-n) then you can use the existing PortNumber field.

Long Integer




The GlobalID number of the corresponding input object.








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