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Trace All Feeders crashes while running.

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Problem: Trace All Feeders crashes while running.

Cause: Trace All Feeders fails because it is attempting to update too many features at the same time. A suspected cause of some cases of Trace All Feeders failure is a limitation - either in ArcGIS or in the underlying RDBMS - in the number of features that can be updated within a single edit session.

Resolution: The MaxUpdatesPerEditSession registry value can be used to set the limit to the number of features that can be edited during each edit session (i.e., the time between Start Editing and Stop Editing). If this key exists and has a value greater than 0, then Trace All Feeders will break its updates into blocks of edits inserted into separate edit sessions. Each edit session will make no more edits than the MaxUpdatesPerEditSession value. Edits are saved after each edit session.

Create the MaxUpdatesPerEditSession value in the registry. Use the steps outlined below.

  1. Open the Registry and browse to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Miner and Miner\ArcFM8. Look for the Feeder Manager key. If it exists, skip to step 4. If it does not exist, continue to step 2.
  2. Right-click ArcFM8 and select New > Key. This creates a new registry key.
  3. Name the new registry key: Feeder Manager. Name it exactly as shown (with a space between words).
  4. Right-click the Feeder Manager key and select New > DWORD value.
  5. Name the DWORD value: MaxUpdatesPerEditSession. Name it exactly as shown (with NO spaces between words).
  6. Right-click MaxUpdatesPerEditSession and select Modify.
  7. Set the Value Data field to the maximum number of edits per edit session. If you have been experiencing a crash of Trace All Feeders, a suggested starting value is 3,000. The cost of setting a high value is that it will not prevent the crashing behavior if the value exceeds the suspected feature update limit of the underlying geodatabase.

A value of 0 indicates no limit and Trace All Feeders will not break edits into separate edit sessions. This is the default setting. 





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