ArcFM Tools in ArcCatalog
Create Relationship

Resource Center Home

The database to which you are adding a new object class cannot be in use. Right-click geodatabase and select New > Relationship Class.

  1. Enter the name of the new Relationship class.

  2. Select the Origin table or feature class.

  3. Select the Destination table or feature class.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Select the type of relationship: Simple or Composite. Click Next.

  6. Create labels for the relationship. Click Next.

  7. Select a cardinality. Click Next.

  8. Add attributes to the relationship class, if necessary. Click Next.

  9. Select a primary key and foreign key. Click Next.

Typically the ObjectID is used as the foreign key. However, if you're using Geodatabase Replication and have created GlobalIDs for your feature dataset, you'll use GlobalID as the foreign key instead of ObjectID.

  1. Review the summary and click Finish to create the relationship class.




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