ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide
Load Tap Changer

Version: 10.1

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LoadTapChanger represents power transformer controls that change the primary to secondary turns ratio of a transformer winding while the transformer is under load to regulate the flow of current and minimize voltage drop. Automatic loadtap changers in the power transformer provide voltage control on the substation bus. Control systems of voltage regulators and tap changing equipment beyond the substation usually have a line-drop compensator to simulate voltage drop between the substation and points in the distribution system.

Associations: PowerTransformer

Subtypes: None



BoostPercent: text - Code indicating tap setting for increase in capacity achieved by increasing the maximum voltage level; domain values include 4 percent, 6 percent, etc.

BuckPercent: text - Code indicating tap setting for increase in capacity achieved by lowering the maximum voltage level; domain values include 4 percent, 6 percent, etc.

Impedance: text - Impedance of LoadTapChanger in ohms.

PwrTransformerObjectID: long integer - ObjectID of associated Power Transformer.

RatedkVA: long integer - System rating in kVA.

RelayControlType: text - Type of relay control.

SwitchType: text - Type of switch used.

XRRatio: long integer - Inductance/resistance ratio.

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