Appendix > Bitgate Fields > Gas Tracing - Junctions |
Version: 10.1 |
Bit settings for gas junctions in Minerville sample database:
Bit 31 — reserved.
Bit 30 — This bit specifies the device status and depends on the existence of the field model name NORMALPOSITION. The gas devices can be either open or closed. The value of 0 in this bit means that the device is open. The value of 1 in this bit means that the device is closed. The field with the model name NORMALPOSITION assigned will reflect the opposite values, but the same meaning. If the bit is set to 0 (open), the field will be set to 1 (open). If the bit is set to 1 (closed), the field will be set to 0 (closed).
This bit is also used by the ArcFM Gas NonGas Trace Weight field autoupdater, which works in conjunction with the GASNONTRACEABLE class model name. When a junction feature is assigned the GASNONTRACEABLE model name and has the aforementioned autoupdater assigned to its Trace Weight field, bit 30 is set to 1 (closed).
Bit 29 — This bit specifies if a device is a valve and depends on the existence of the class model name VALVE; a value of 1 means that it is, 0 that it is not.
Bit 28 — This bit specifies if a device is an essential valve and depends on the existence of the field model name OPERATINGCLASSIFICATION; the values of CIR (Critical Inspection Required) means that it is critical, and the bit is set to 1. CINR (Critical Inspection Not Required) means that it is critical, and the bit is set to 1. NC means it is not critical, and the bit is set to 0.
Bit 27 — This bit specifies if a device is a non-controllable fitting and depends on the existence of the class model name NONCONTROLFITTING. Non-controllable is a fitting that cannot be used to shut off gas; 1 means that it is, 0 that it is not.
Bit 26 — This bit specifies if a device is a controllable fitting and depends on the existence of the class model name CONTROLFITTING. Controllable fitting is a fitting that can be used to shut off gas. It serves as a stop in a gas trace; 1 means that it is, 0 that it is not.
Bit 25 — This bit specifies if a device is a rectifier and depends on the existence of the class model name RECTIFIER; 1 means that it is, 0 it is not.
Bit 24 through 22 — These bits can be used to specify the isolation level a device belongs to. (Not currently used by ArcFM.)
Bit 21 — This bit specifies if a device is a town border station and depends on the existence of the class model name TBS; 1 means that it is, 0 that it is not.
Bit 20 — This bit specifies if a device is a regulator and depends on the existence of the class model name REGULATOR; 1 means that it is, 0 that it is not.
Bit 19 — This bit specifies whether a device is a CP barrier. The Cathodic Protection Trace tool traces in all directions until it encounters a junction feature on which bit 19 is set (or an edge feature on which bit 23 is set). Assigned gas autoupdaters and the Initialize Trace Weights command set bit 19 when encountering certain values associated with four model names, which are processed consecutively:
Bit 18 — This bit specifies if the device is a gas system boundary (most likely a town border station) and depends on the existence of the field model names NORMALPOSITION or GASSYSTEMSTATUS. If NORMALPOSITION exists, this field value will be used to set the bit. A value of 1 means that it is not a boundary. A value of 0 means that it is a boundary. If NORMALPOSITION does not exist, GASSYSTEMSTATUS will be used to set the bit. A value of 1 or Y means that it is a boundary. A value of 0 or N means that it is not a boundary.
Bit 17 — This bit specifies if the device is a gas pressure system boundary. The gas pressure system is the system operating under the same pressure. Regulators are an example of the pressure system boundary. This bit setting depends on the existence of the following field model names: GASPRESSURESYSTEMSTATUS, NORMALPOSITION, SOPIN, and SOPOUT. If NORMALPOSITION exists, this field value will be used to set the bit. A value of 1 means that it is a boundary. A value of 0 means that it is not a boundary. If NORMALPOSITION does not exist, GASPRESSURESYSTEMSTATUS will be used to set the bit. A value of 1 means that it is a boundary. A value of 0 means that it is not a boundary. If GASPRESSURESYSTEMSTATUS does not exist, ArcFM then looks for both SOPIN and SOPOUT. If both field model names are found, ArcFM compares the values of their fields: if the values are different, then the bit is set. If the values are the same, the bit is not set; 1 means that it is a boundary, 0 that it is not.
Bit 16 — This bit specifies if the device is an emergency isolation system boundary and depends on the existence of the field model name EMERISOLATIONSYSSTATUS; 1 means that it is, 0 that it is not. This functionality is reserved for future use; it is not currently implemented.
Bit 15 — This bit specifies if the device is a squeeze off point; a value of 1 means that it is, 0 that it is not.
Bits 14 through 0 are reserved for future use by Miner & Miner.
Byte 1(LSB) bit 0
bit 1
bit 2
bit 3
bit 4
bit 5
bit 6
bit 7
Byte 2 bit 8
bit 9
bit 10
bit 11
bit 12
bit 13
bit 14
bit 15
Squeeze Off Point
Byte 3 bit 16
bit 17
bit 18
bit 19
bit 20
bit 21
bit 22
bit 23
Emergency Isolation System
Gas Pressure System
Gas System Boundary
Conductive (CP Stop)
Town Border Station
Isolation Level
Isolation Level
Byte 4 (MSB) bit 24
bit 25
bit 26
bit 27
bit 28
bit 29
bit 30
bit 31
Isolation Level
Controllable Fitting
Non-Controllable Fitting
Essential Valve
Device Status