ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide

Version: 10.1

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FEEDERINFO is the model name of an optional 32-bit integer field that can be defined for any feature class belonging to the electric network. The FeederInfo field is used to store some extra results of circuit tracing operations by Feeder Manager. In particular, FeederInfo tells whether each phase is energized or not for a given feature, and, for line features, it also tells the direction in which the line was traversed (i.e., whether the edge’s from-junction or its to-junction was encountered first). As with the MMElectricTraceWeight, the individual bits of the FeederInfo integer value are interpreted to yield this information.

Bits 31-14 — are reserved for future use by Telvent.

Bit 13 — This bit, called the SuperMultifeed flag, signifies whether the feature is energized by two or fewer sources. On features energized by two or fewer sources, set the value to zero. On features energized by more than two sources, set the value to one.

Bit 12 — This bit, called the SubSource Multifeed flag, signifies whether the feature has more than one candidate for its ParentCircuitSourceID field. If the feature has no candidate or only one candidate for the ParentCircuitSourceID field, set the value to zero. If the feature has more than one candidate for the ParentCircuitSourceID field, set the value to one.

Bits 11-10 — are reserved for future use by Telvent.

Bit 9 — This bit represents any junction feature that serves as a tie device, i.e., an open device between two normally energized lines, which receive power from different sources.

Bit 8 — This bit represents any junction feature that serves as a terminal device. This device, when open, prevents other features from being energized.

Bit 7 — This bit represents an edge feature fed from more than one circuit source. If the field with the model name FEEDERID2 has a value, this bit has a value of 1.

Bit 6 — This bit represents an edge feature that belongs to an electrical loop fed from one circuit source.

Bits 5-4 — are reserved for future use by Telvent.

Bit 3 — This bit represents features that have no circuit source and cannot be energized.

Bits 2-0 — These bits represent which phases are energized on the feature. A set bit means the phase is energized, an unset bit means it is not.

Byte 3 (MSB)

bit 31

bit 30

bit 29

bit 28

bit 27

bit 26

bit 25

bit 24


Byte 2

bit 23

bit 22

bit 21

bit 20

bit 19

bit 18

bit 17

bit 16


Byte 1

bits 14 - 15

bit 13

bit 12

bits 10 - 11

bit 9

bits 8


Super Multifeed Flag

SubSource Multifeed Flag


Flag: Tie Device

Flag: Terminal Device

Byte 0 (LSB)

bit 7

bit 6

bits 4-5

bit 3

bit 2

bit 1

bit 0

Multifeed Flag

Loop Flag


Island Flag

Energized, Phase C

Energized, Phase B

Energized, Phase A

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