ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide
Common Fields

Version: 10.1

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This section describes fields that are commonly used by many features and tables in the Fiber Manager data model.

LocationDescription: text - This field provides flexibility in describing the location of a feature. For instance, an editor may capture a location note such as "behind the big bush on the southwest corner of the building." This field acts as a specialized "comments" field, in that it always captures a note about the location of a feature in the field. This is not a required field and can be deleted if it is not useful to an organization.

Owner: text - This field stores the owner for a particular feature. It may store values for external organizations that own the feature mapped by your organization. This field can also store values for groups internal to the organization that may own the feature. An example would be the electric, traffic and IT groups within a municipality. This field is not required and may be deleted if it is not useful. If this field is implemented, a domain of valid owners should be assigned.

Comments: text - Comments can be tracked in this field, but it should not be used as a substitute for accurately capturing information in other fields. This field should be reviewed periodically to determine whether new domain values or new attributes are needed in the model. This field is not required and may be deleted. Many organizations find that this field provides a way to capture data that may be dynamic and not accurately represented elsewhere in the data.

SymbolRotation: double - This field is used to track the value for the angle at which a point feature symbol is displayed on the map. This field is required for rotating symbols, otherwise they will all be oriented to the North. This field is required for point and junction features.

CreationUser: text - This field stores the name of the editor that created the feature in the GIS. It is populated using a standard ArcFM autoupdater, such as ArcFM User Name or ArcFM Login User Name.

CreationDate: date - This is the date that the feature was created in the GIS. This field is populated using the ArcFM Current Date autoupdater.

LastUser: text - This is the name of the last user to update an attribute of an object. The update can occur on any attribute field, including the shape field for features. This field is populated using a standard ArcFM autoupdater, such as ArcFM User Name or ArcFM Login User Name.

DateModified: date - This is the last date that the feature or object was changed. This change can occur on any attribute field, including the shape field for features. This field is populated using the ArcFM Current Date autoupdater.

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