ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide
Clearance Parameters

Version: 10.1

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Clearance Standard

The values in the Clearance Standard drop-down box are not imported from a specific table in the MMENG tables. However, the chosen value is used to import NESC or REA clearance values from the MMENG_REACLEARANCE and MMENG_NESCCLEARANCE tables respectively.

Clearance Category

The values in the Clearance Category drop-down box are imported from the unique values in the CLEARANCECATEGORY field of the MMENG_REACLEARANCE and MMENG_NESCCLEARANCE tables. Depending on the type of wire (neutral, secondary, primary) the clearance value is used.

Designer uses clearance values (NEUTRAL, SECONDARY, PRIMARY fields) in the following formula to calculate the clearance results. If the results are less than 0, the conductor fails and is highlighted in red in the Conductors Grid.

HC - DM - Clearance Category (NEUTRAL, SECONDARY, or PRIMARY field value)


HC = Wire/conductor attachment height

DM = Max sag of wire/conductor


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