Appendix > Class Model Names |
Version: 10.1 |
The sample data provided with ArcFM Solution makes extensive use of model names. These model names are divided into two required domains: the Field Model Name Domain and the Object Class Model Name Domain. Further, these domains each require at least one domain as a value such as Electric Object Class Model Name to which model names themselves are added as coded values. More information about these domains is available on the Create Domain page. Refer to the section called "Domains for a New Geodatabase."
Electric Object Class Model Names
Model Name
Represents down guys; used for structural analysis
The CircuitSource object; required for Feeder Manager
Assign to the CircuitSourceID table. This table is used by Feeder Manager to support multi-tiered networks.
Primary/secondary conductors
Maintains information about banked conductors (optional)
Determines the method used to display the annotation contents list for a conduit and the associated conductors
ULSCrossSection annotation feature class
Assign this model name to any feature you wish the Phase Swap tool to ignore.
The DistributionTransformer feature class
DuctDefinition Object
Assign to the CircuitSource object class and DynamicProtectiveDevice feature class; used by electric trace solvers
Used to configure electric tracing in ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine. Assign to all Electric Network Edge feature classes that participate in electric tracing.
Assign to the ServicePoint object class when configuring Feeder Manager; required by Responder and future Feeder Manager functionality
Any feature class that should not be traced by Feeder Manager (no features within this feature class will be traced).
For a detailed explanation of FDRMGRNONTRACEABLE, view the appendix help topic: Appendix > Bitgate Fields > Electric Tracing - Edges.
Any feature class that can be considered a fuse or dynamic protective device (e.g. circuit breaker, recloser, sectionalizer) by Feeder Manager
This model name is no longer used by Feeder Manager; it is maintained for backward compatibility
This model name is no longer used by Feeder Manager; it is maintained for backward compatibility
Any secondary conductors; used by secondary circuit analysis
Any feature class that can be considered a fuse by Feeder Manager; included for backward compatibility; features may now be assigned the FDRMGRPROTECTIVE model name
Any feature class that will be displayed in inset windows of map layout view
Assign to the JointUseAttachment table
The Lasso feature class (Conduit/contents relate tool)
Assign to conductor/cable contents of conduit system that has different label than label in the contents list of cross section annotation feature
Assign to polygon layer to describe loading; optional use for structural analysis
Assigned to the UndergroundStructure feature class for Underground Facility Manager.
Assign to MMENG_CONDUCTOR_ELEC table in database
Assign to MMENG_TRANSFORMER table in database
Any feature class that can be considered an open point by Feeder Manager; included for backward compatibility; feature class may now be assigned the SWITCH model name
Overhead conductor feature classes involved in structural analysis
Overhead structure feature classes involved in structural analysis
Feature classes representing overhead and underground primary conductors
Any feature class that can be considered a primary meter or load point by Feeder Manager; included for backward compatibility; feature class may now be assigned the TRANSFORMER model name
Protective devices, e.g. fuse, switch, etc.
Any feature class considered a service point; used by secondary circuit analysis
Any structure feature class that has a device related to it; required to use the StructureRelate autoupdater. Also used by Underground Facility Manager.
Any feature class that can be considered a switch or open point by Feeder Manager
This model name is used by the ArcFM Synch Phase Designation autoupdaters (special and relationship). Assign it to the feature that contains related object(s).
This model name is used by the ArcFM Synch Phase Designation autoupdaters (special and relationship). Assign it to the related object.
Any feature class that can be considered a transformer by Feeder Manager; also used by structural analysis
Used by custom validation rule to check total kVA of transformer unit equals sum of individual transformers
Assigned to the Anchor (or UFMAnchor) feature class for Underground Facility Manager.
Assigned to the DuctAnnotation and DuctNoteAnno feature classes for Underground Facility Manager.
Assigned to the UFMWallDimensioning feature class for Underground Facility Manager.
Assigned to the Duct feature class for Underground Facility Manager.
Assigned to the DuctBank feature class for Underground Facility Manager.
Assigned to the DuctBankAnchor feature class for Underground Facility Manager.
Assigned to the DuctConnector feature class for Underground Facility Manager.
Assigned to the UFMFloor feature class for Underground Facility Manager.
Assigned to the UFMInsetFrameSource or InsetFrameSource feature class for Underground Facility Manager.
Assign this model name to the Splice feature class. The Splice feature class is not required by UFM, but if it exists, it should have this model name assigned.
Assign this model name to all layers you wish to be displayed while viewing manhole diagrams (precision drawing mode) using Underground Facility Manager.
Assigned to the UFMWall feature class for Underground Facility Manager.
The feature class that represents underground conduits
Edges that may be found within a conduit (e.g., underground conductors, communication cable)
The annotation feature class that is created for an edge that may be found in a conduit, e.g., underground conductors, communication cable, etc.
Gas Object Class Model Names
Model Name
The feature class representing an Anode
The feature class representing a Controllable Gas Fitting
ArcFM uses the CPPIPE object class model name to populate the CP system table (which is named CPSystems in the sample data). Assign this object class model name to all edge feature classes in your gas dataset whose features can act as discrete CP systems, or be combined with other edge feature classes belonging to a single CP system. The CPPIPE model name indicates to ArcFM which edges should be included in CP system length calculations. This model name is typically assigned to, at least, the feature class which models the distribution mains in your gas network.
This model name identifies the CPSystems table, which stores the data used by the Cathodic Protection Systems tool in ArcMap. The CPSYSTEM model name can only be assigned to one table, and is assigned automatically by the Create Cathodic Protection Systems tool in ArcCatalog.
The feature class representing a Gas Distribution Main
In ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine: Assign to all Gas Network Edge feature classes that participate in gas tracing.
In ArcFM Solution Desktop: This model name must be assigned to pipe feature classes that participate in cathodic protection systems.
Any feature class that is excluded from gas trace solvers
The feature class representing a Gas Pipe Casing
The feature class representing a Leak Report
The feature class representing a Leak Survey Area
The feature class representing a Town Border Station or other type of gas source
The feature class representing a Non-Controllable Gas Fitting
The feature class representing a Pipe
The feature class representing Pipe Exposure
The feature class representing a Rectifier
The feature class representing a Regulator
The feature class representing a service pipe
The feature class representing a Service Point
The feature class representing a squeeze off point, which is used to indicate where a pipe will be pinched
The feature class representing a Cathodic Protection Test Point
The feature class representing a Town Border Station (this model name is no longer used, but supported for backward compatibility
The feature class representing a Gas Valve
The feature class representing a Vault
Water Object Class Model Names
Model Name
The feature class representing an Anode
The feature class representing a Controllable Gas Fitting
ArcFM uses the CPPIPE object class model name to populate the CP system table (which is named CPSystems in the sample data). Assign this object class model name to all edge feature classes in your water dataset whose features can act as discrete CP systems, or be combined with other edge feature classes belonging to a single CP system. The CPPIPE model name indicates to ArcFM which edges should be included in CP system length calculations. This model name is typically assigned to, at least, the feature class which models the distribution mains in your water network.
This model name identifies the CPSystems table, which stores the data used by the Cathodic Protection Systems tool in ArcMap. The CPSYSTEM model name can only be assigned to one table, and is assigned automatically by the Create Cathodic Protection Systems tool in ArcCatalog.
The feature class representing a water main
The feature class representing a Leak Report
The feature class representing a water source
The feature class representing a Non-Controllable Water Fitting
The feature class representing a Pipe.
The feature class representing a Rectifier
The feature class representing a Regulator
The feature class representing a service pipe
The feature class representing a Service Point
The feature class representing a squeeze off point, which is used to indicate where a pipe will be pinched
The feature class representing a Cathodic Protection Test Point
The feature class representing a Water Valve
In ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine: Assign to all Water Network Edge feature classes that participate in water tracing.
In ArcFM Solution Desktop: This model name must be assigned to pipe feature classes that participate in cathodic protection systems.
Any feature class that is excluded from water traces
Domain Independent Object Class Model Names
Model Name
All ArcFM System Tables with MM_<tablename> format
If this model name is assigned to ArcFM System Tables, all tabs in the Properties Manager will be displayed. By default only the Model Names and Field Model Names tabs are displayed for System Tables.
With 9.2, Esri provided a new way to split line segments. ArcFM relies on and uses the old method by default. Assign this model name if you have custom autoupdaters that use Esri's new split method. However, by assigning this model name, you will no longer be able to use the ArcFM autoupdaters that utilize the old split method. Some ArcFM functionality will not work properly (e.g., designs will not be updated if a split occurs). In most instances you will not place this model name on any ArcFM features.
Any feature class that is a source for inset frame window
This model name is used by the ArcFM Update Conductor Text special autoupdater. It identifies the feature class to which the AU writes.
Feature and object classes with this model name will appear in the dropdown menu of the Object Query locator tool. Fields must be assigned the LocatableField field model name to be available for a search.
Any polygon layer that will be used for Batch plotting; also used for the Map Grid Generation tool
Any feature class that can be abandoned in place.
Any feature class that is used to store features after they have been abandoned in place.
Any feature class that has a related object that contains attributes that must be stored about the feature when it is abandoned.
Any feature class that can be abandoned and used as conduit.
Any feature class that can be abandoned and removed.
Any feature class that is used to store features after they have been abandoned and removed.
This model name is used by Map Production. Assign it to indicate a feature layer is invalid. This means that when it is the only layer in a map sheet, that map sheet won't print or export. A layer with this model name will print when valid layers (those without the MP_INVALIDATELAYER model name) are present in a map sheet.
Assign this model name to any feature or object class that should be omitted when converting to Designer objects using the ArcFM Solution Object Converter. For example, you may wish to assign this model name to MMSystemTables so that Designer-specific fields are not added when converting to Designer objects.
Assign to any feature class that should not be exported or written to a file when using the QA/QC tool
This model name is used by the Overview window in ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine. Assign it to layers you wish be valid layers in the Overview window.
This model name is used by Design Optimization to identify and aggregate parcels.
Used by Graphic Annotation. Assign it to the ArcFM annotation class(es) that will store public redlines.
Used by the Send to Targets and Send to Targets Attributed commands. Assign to a feature when you want it to appear in Attribute Editor's Target tab.
Complex edges, such as primary conductors, which may need to be split if a specific device is connected
Designer Object Class Model Names
Model Name
The Compatible Unit Administration tool in ArcCatalog automatically assigns this model name to any feature class that is designated as a take-off point by a user creating a take-off filter.
Design feature class in the Designer Dataset
Designates a feature class as a banked feature (e.g., transformer bank)
Designer Express uses this model name to identify Design Feature Classes (DFCs). The Designer Express Configuration Wizard automatically assigns this model name when it creates the DFCs. The Copy Design Features tool copies only features with this model name.
All electric device unit object classes; the object class related to the conductors
Assign to the feature used to create cut points in express designs.
Assign to tables that are used for Extended Data Management
This model name may be assigned to any feature class that you wish to NOT be included when posting a design. This model name should be assigned ONLY to features that are not maintained in the geodatabase and exist within the design only for the lifetime of the design (e.g., Work Locations).
The work function for a banked feature class (e.g. transformer) will be updated to "remove" if ALL the units' (e.g. transformer units) work functions under the feature are set to "remove" AND the REMOVEBANK model name is assigned to that banked feature class.
WorkLocation feature class in the Designer Dataset
WorkRequest feature class in the Designer Dataset
Network Adapter Object Class Model Names
Model Name
Any feature class that should be exported for use with CYME or SynerGEE. If the model name is assigned only to the class, no fields will be exported. If the model name is assigned only to fields, the class will not be exported.
Any feature class that should be exported for use with the Electric Analysis engine provided by CYME
Assign this to the LoadCase table.
This model name is typically assigned to one feature class, usually ServiceLocation or TransformerBank. It can be assigned to more than one feature class, if there are load values relating to more than one type of network feature.
Responder Object Class Model Names
Model Name
Assign this model name to any equipment feature classes that may be used by Responder. Any features or devices that have the RXINCIDENTDEVICE, RXINCIDENTFEATURE, or RXSWITCHABLEDEVICE model names assigned should have this model name assigned as well.
Assign this model name to any equipment feature classes on which hazards may exist.
Assign this model name to all network devices on which an incident can be placed using the Create Fault tool. For example, service points, transformers, switches, fuses, etc.
Assign this model name to all non-network features on which an incident can be placed using the Create Non-Electric Incident tool. For example, support structures.
Optional. Assign this model name to the feature class that will designate de-energized (or abnormally energized) lines on the map. This is the feature class created in the Display De-Energized Features step. This is used by the display de-energized feeders functionality.
Assign this model name to the polygon feature class that represents regions. Information about creating the Region feature class is available on the Configure Regions page.
Assign this model name to devices that may be switched.
Fiber Manager Object Class Model Names
Model Name
This model name identifies a feature as a Buffer Tube.
This model name identifies a table as a Connection Object.
This model name identifies a feature as a Device.
This model name identifies a feature as a Device Port.
This model name identifies a feature as a Device Point.
This model name identifies features that participate in the circuit.
Additional Information for Flexible Data Models:
Can only be assigned to a table with the FiberConnectableObject class model name already on it. Implies that it can be part of a circuit.
This model name identifies a feature as a Circuit.
This model name identifies objects that can be connected through the Connection Manager tool in Fiber Manager. This model name is also critical to tracing, Conduit Manager, and reporting. Some examples of connectable objects include Fiber, BacksidePort, FrontsidePort, DevicePort, SplitterInputPort, and SplitterOutputPort.
Additional Information for Flexible Data Models:
Any object that should be connectable in the Connection Manager.
Indicates that fiber connections are stored at the feature to which the model name is assigned. The Connection Manager looks for this model name when snapping to features.
Additional Information for Flexible Data Models:
Any point feature that the Connection Manager will snap to.
Indicates to the Connection Manager at what point to start displaying data.
Additional Information for Flexible Data Models:
Any object that contains "FiberConnectableObjects" below it. This is the highest object in the hierarchy that you will receive information about when you view the connectable object in reports, etc.
Any object in the hierarchy that will contain other objects when shown in the Patch Panel report.
Any object in the hierarchy that is contained by another object in the Patch Panel Report. If you assign this model name to an object, then somewhere up the fiber hierarchy, the FIBERGRIDABLECONTAINER MN must be assigned.
Any object in the fiber hierarchy that has multiple sides when shown on the Patch Location report.
Assign this model name to the object that acts as the destination in an implied connection. An implied connection is when two objects are joined by a piece of equipment, but are modeled as separate object classes in the geodatabase (e.g., front and back ports on a card).
Additional Information for Flexible Data Models:
Used by "ArcFM Fiber Update Parent" AU, logically connects two ports that are in the same device, splitter, etc. This makes the software understand that what connects to FrontPort 1 on the front of the patch panel comes out of BackPort 1 on the back of the patch panel. For example, assign to BackSidePort or SplitterOutput.
Assign this model name to the object that acts as the source in an implied connection. An implied connection is when two objects are joined by a piece of equipment, but are modeled as separate object classes in the geodatabase (e.g., front and back ports on a card).
Additional Information for Flexible Data Models:
Used by "ArcFM Fiber Update Parent" AU. Logically connects two ports that are in the same device, splitter, etc. This makes the software understand that what connects to FrontPort 1 on the front of the patch panel comes out of BackPort 1 on the back of the patch panel. For example, assign to BackSidePort or SplitterOutput.
This model name is assigned only to objects in the data model that have more than one child object. An example could be a Patch Panel Card that has both Backside Ports and Frontside Ports assigned to it. If this model name is assigned to an object, then the FiberChildClassModelName field does not need to have an Esri default value should be set.
Additional Information for Flexible Data Models:
Can only be assigned to an object wit hthe "FiberConnectionContainer" MN already assigned. It indicates that the object has two or more children and that the value in the "FiberChildClassModelName" field should be blank.
This class model name should be placed on every Fiber Manager feature class and fiber related object table in the database.
This model name identifies a feature as a Patch Location.
This model name identifies a feature as a piece of Fiber.
Use this model name to designate the features that may participate in a Two-Point trace.
Additional Information for Flexible Data Models:
Assign to any feature to which you want the trace flag to snap.
Assign this model name to any feature, including non-fiber features, you want to edit using the Location Editor or that you want the Location Editor to snap to and open.
This will only work with a database that has properly configured Fiber Manager feature classes, object classes and relationships.
This model name identifies a feature as a Patch Panel.
This model name identifies a feature as a Backside Port.
This model name identifies a feature as a Patch Panel Card.
This model name identifies a feature as a Frontside Port.
This model name identifies a feature as a Port.
This model name identifies a feature as a Patch Panel Mount or Rack.
This model name identifies a table as a Fiber Optic Cable.
This model name identifies a feature as a Slack Loop.
This model name identifies a feature as a Splice Point.
This model name identifies a feature as a Splitter Location.
This model name identifies a table as a Splitter Input Port.
This model name identifies a table as a Splitter Output Port.
The following model names (those starting with "Supports") determine the fields displayed in the Connection Manager as well as how it behaves in certain circumstances.
When this model name is assigned, the Loss 1310 field is displayed. The model name must be assigned to both selected features in order for the field to be displayed.
Additional Information for Flexible Data Models:
Assign to any object with the "FiberConnectableObject" MN that can have a value for 1310 attenuation loss when a connection is made in the Connection Manager.
When this model name is assigned, the Loss 1550 field is displayed. The model name must be assigned to both selected features in order for the field to be displayed.
Additional Information for Flexible Data Models:
Assign to any object with the "FiberConnectableObject" MN that can have a value for 1550 attenuation loss when a connection is made in the Connection Manager.
When this model name is assigned, the Splice Type field is displayed. The model name must be assigned to both selected features in order for the field to be displayed.
Additional Information for Flexible Data Models:
Assign to any object with the "FiberConnectableObject" MN that can have a specific type of connection (mechanical, glue, continuous, fusion). If you use it this way, the dropdown for the specific type you chose appears in Connection Manager.
This model name provides support for displaying a warning in the Connection Manager when the user attempts to disconnect the feature to which it is assigned. This model name must be assigned and the correct option must be selected in the ArcFM Fiber Settings in order to display the warning upon disconnect.
Additional Information for Flexible Data Models:
Assign to any object with the "FiberConnectableObject" MN that should have a warning displayed when the user attempts to disconnect it.
This model name does not display a field in the Connection Manager. Instead, it allows the user to connect two different ports on the same Patch Panel. The same Patch Panel must be selected on both sides of the Connection Manager. If this model name is not assigned, you will NOT be able to display the same feature on both sides.
Additional Information for Flexible Data Models:
Assign to any object with the "FiberConnectableObject" MN that is allowed to connect to itself within the same parent. For example, backside ports in the same card (ie, jumper cables).
When this model name is assigned, the Tray field is displayed. The model name must be assigned to both selected features in order for the field to be displayed.
Additional Information for Flexible Data Models:
Assign to any object with the "FiberConnectableObject" MN that can have a specific tray for its connection.
This model name identifies a feature as a Transition Point. Can indicate features that are ignored by the Allocation re
Additional Information for Flexible Data Models:
Unique name within the fiber hierarchy. Used in the THISFIBERCLASSMODELNAME (etc.) fields. Any feature assigned this class model name is ignored by the Allocation report.