ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide
Capacitor Control

Version: 10.1

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Capacitors maintain or increase the voltage of distribution conductors and reduce voltage drops in the system. Subtypes include CurrentLevel, KVARLevel, TempLevel, Time, and VoltageLevel.

Associations: CapacitorBank, SeriesCapacitor

Subtypes: Current Level, KVAR Level, Temp Level, Time, Voltage Level. The use of subtypes is optional. The Subtype attribute can be removed if subtypes aren't used in the model.

Model Names: None


DeactivateSaturday: text - Code indicating whether capacitor control deactivates on Saturday; domain values are Yes or No.

DeactivateSunday: text - Code indicating whether capacitor control deactivates on Sunday; domain values are Yes or No.

OnSetting: long integer - Indicates when capacitor bank is turned on.

OffSetting: long integer - Indicates when capacitor bank is turned off.

PFCorrectingEquipObjectID: long integer - ObjectID of associated PFCorrectingEquipment.

Phase: text - Code describing phases attached to capacitor bank; domain values include A, AB, AC, etc.

SCADAControlID: text - ID of SCADA control, if present.

SCADAMonitorID: text - ID of SCADA monitor, if present.

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