Appendix > Cable Pulling Calculations > Cable Pulling Tables |
Version: 10.1 |
Cable pulling analysis allows the user to quickly calculate cable pulling tensions and sidewall bearing pressures to perform "what-if" scenarios for pulling conductor of various sizes through conduit. Cable pulling analysis provides calculations for several pulling methods including pulling eye and basketweave grip. These calculations rely on the following tables. These tables must be owned by SDE.
Field |
Data Type |
Description |
Units |
How Used |
ConduitType |
text |
Code for the type of conduit |
CableCoverMaterial |
text |
Code for the cable covering material selected. |
Populates the Covering Material field (Figure 1). |
SingleCblPullSWBPLT150 |
float |
Basic coefficient of friction for single cables less than 150 lbs/ft. |
Used to calculate pulling tensions and sidewall bearing pressure. |
MultiCblPullSWBPLT150 |
float |
Basic coefficient of friction for multiple cables less than 150 lbs/ft. |
Used to calculate pulling tensions and sidewall bearing pressure. |
float |
Basic coefficient of friction for single cables more than 150 lbs/ft. |
Used to calculate pulling tensions and sidewall bearing pressure. |
Description |
text |
A description of the conduit selected. |
Used to present a list of conduit types. |
MaterialDesc |
text |
A description of the cable covering material selected. |
Used to present a list of covering materials. |
long integer |
Maximum sidewall bearing pressure allowable for the conduit type covering material. |
Used to compare against calculated sidewall bearing pressure. |
Figure 1, Cable Pulling Analysis
Field |
Data Type |
Description |
Units |
How Used |
CableType |
text |
The type of cable selected. |
Code used to look up the cable type description. |
Description |
text |
A description of the cable selected. |
Populates the Cable Type field (Figure 1). |
CableOD |
double |
Cable outer diameter |
inches |
Used to calculate pulling tension and sidewall bearing pressure. |
CableWeight |
double |
Weight of the cable |
lbs/ft |
Used to calculate pulling tension and sidewall bearing pressure. |
InitTension |
long integer |
Initial tension of the cable before pulling. |
lbs. |
Used to calculate pulling tension and sidewall bearing pressure. |
AllowedTension |
long integer |
Maximum allowable tension. |
lbs. |
Used to calculate pulling tension and sidewall bearing pressure. |
LeadSheathOD |
double |
Outer diameter of the lead sheath. |
inches |
Used to calculate pulling tension and sidewall bearing pressure. |
LeadSheathThick |
double |
Thickness of the lead sheath. |
inches |
Used to calculate pulling tension and sidewall bearing pressure. |
LeadSheathArea |
double |
Area of the lead sheath. |
square inches |
Used to calculate pulling tension and sidewall bearing pressure. |
PullType |
text |
The type of assembly (single, quad, tri, PILC). |
Used to calculate pulling tension and sidewall bearing pressure. |
Material |
text |
Conductor Material (e.g., aluminum, copper) |
Used to calculate pulling tension and sidewall bearing pressure. |
CondSize |
text |
Size of the conduit. |
Used to calculate pulling tension and sidewall bearing pressure. |
StockSize |
long integer |
Non-standard comparitive conductor size. |
Used to calculate pulling tension and sidewall bearing pressure for multiple cables. |
NeutralPresent |
text |
Flag that denotes that neutral is part of the assembly. |
Used to display the material of the cables when not included in the group. |
MinCondNum |
short integer |
Minimum number of conductors in a pull scenario. |
Used to build a list for the number of cables. Populates the Number of Cables field (Figure 1). |
MaxCondNum |
short integer |
Maximum number of conductors in a pull scenario. |
Used to build a list for the number of cables. Populates the Number of Cables field (Figure 1). |
MinConduitSize |
long integer |
Recommended minimum conduit size. |
inches |
Used to warn users when the conduit size is less than recommended. |
NumConductors |
long integer |
The number of conductors in the pull grouping. |
Used to calculate pulling tension and sidewall bearing pressure. |
IsAssembly |
text |
Flag to indicate the group is an assembly. |
Used to calculate pulling tension and sidewall bearing pressure. |
Field |
Data Type |
Description |
Units |
How Used |
CondSize |
text |
Stock size of conductor. |
Used to calculate maximum tension for pulling eye. |
CondArea |
double |
The area of the conductor. |
square inches |
Used to calculate maximum tension for pulling eye. |
Material |
text |
Conductor material. |
Used to calculate maximum tension for pulling eye. |
MaxTensionPerCond |
long integer |
Maximum tension for the conductor. |
lbs. |
Not currently used. |
PullCoeff |
long integer |
Pulling pressure of pulling. |
Used to calculate maximum tension for pulling eye. |
Field |
Data Type |
Description |
Units |
How Used |
NeutralType |
text |
The type of neutral cable selected. |
Code used to look up the neutral cable type description. |
Description |
text |
A description of the neutral cable selected. |
Populates the Cable Type field with values for neutral cables (Figure 1). |
StockSize |
long integer |
Non-standard comparitive conductor size. |
Used to calculate pulling tension and sidewall bearing pressure for neutral cables. |