The following tables list the members exposed by MajorEventDayManager.
Public Fields
Public Properties
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
| Dispose | Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. |
| GetOutageBin | Get Outage Bin for specified date from Major Event Day accumulator |
| IsMajorEventDay | A Major Event Day is defined, as per IEEE standard 1366-2003, as any day whose SAIDI figure (for the day) exceeds a certain threshold value Tmed, which is derived from the previous 5 years' worth of historical outage data (the exact procedure for that derivation is documented in IEEE standard 1366-2003). A Major Event Day is defined, as per IEEE standard 1366-2003, as any day whose SAIDI figure (for the day) exceeds a certain threshold value Tmed, which is derived from the previous 5 years' worth of historical outage data (the exact procedure for that derivation is documented in IEEE standard 1366-2003). |
| MarkDayAsMajorEventDay | Add major event day to collection of days and SAIDI values for the day |
| SetMajorEventDayDeterminer | Providing Major Event Day accumulator |
See Also