The following tables list the members exposed by IMMAttrAUStrategy.
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
 | DomainName | Specifies the domain name associated to the field upon which the AU will operate. In other words, when specified, the AU will only be applicable to fields using this domain. If the field is not associated with a domain, then this property should return the value vbNullString. |
 | FieldType | Specifies the type of field upon which this AU will operate. The AU must return a value of this type. The field type specified here should be consistent with the data type returned by the GetAutoValue method. |
 | Name | Specifies the display name used to identify the autoupdater. This is the name that will be displayed in the dropdown box of the Field Properties On Feature Create and On Feature Update in the Field Info tab of the ArcFM Properties Manager window. |
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
 | GetAutoValue | This method returns the new value for the field. The logic required to produce the new value is coded here. |
See Also