| Name | Description |
 | AliasName | Gets or sets the caption for the field that is displayed in the user interface. This is the same as IField.AliasName. |
 | AutoGenerated | Returns a boolean value indicating whether the field is autogenerated (e.g., by an autoupdater). |
 | ClearOnCreate | This property determines whether the field value resets to its default value after a create operation. It returns a value from the ArcFM Properties Manager. |
 | DbEditable | This property determines whether an attribute is editable. It returns True if IField::Editable and the Editable property in the ArcFM Properties Manager both return True. |
 | Domain | This property returns the coded-value domain for the given field. It returns NULL if no domain is assigned. |
 | Editable | Returns a boolean value indicating whether the field may be edited. |
 | FieldType | The type of the field. |
 | Index | Returns the Esri field index. Field adapters that do not have a corresponding IField reference return (-1). |
 | IsCuDefining | Returns the value in the CU Defining field on the Field Info tab of the ArcFM Properties Manager. |
 | IsNullable | Indicates if the field can contain null values. |
 | IsShapeField | Returns a boolean value indicating whether the field holds the feature's shape. |
 | IsSubtypeField | Returns a boolean value indicating whether the field holds the feature's subtype. |
 | IsWorkFlowStatusField | Returns a boolean value indicating whether the field holds the feature's work flow status. Returns true if the field represents the work flow status. |
 | IsWorkFunctionField | Returns a boolean value indicating whether the field holds the feature's work function. Returns true if the field represents the work function. |
 | Length | The maximum length, in bytes, for values described by the field. |
 | Name | The name of the field. |
 | OriginalValue | Holds the field's original value. |
 | Precision | The precision for field values. Precision is the number of digits in a number. |
 | Required | Indicates whether the field is required or not. |
 | Scale | The scale for field values. Scale is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a number. |
 | Subtypes | If the IsSubtypeField property returns True, then this property returns the feature's subtype from the IEnumSubtype enumeration. |
 | Value | Holds the field's current value. |
 | ValueModified | Indicates whether the field has been modified. The ValueModified property compares the OriginalValue and Value properties. If they are the same, ValueModified returns False. If they contain different values, ValueModified returns True. |
 | Visible | A boolean value indicating whether the field is visible. |