The following tables list the members exposed by IMMElectricTracingEx.
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
 | FindChildDevices | This method traces all devices immediately connected to the Start Element. |
 | FindFeedPaths | This method traces all possible paths to all possible circuit source features. If there's more than one path to a given source for a given phase, then only one path is returned and the alternate paths (are) indicated as loops off of the returned path |
 | FindFeedPathsShowWork | This method traces all possible paths to all possible sources. It differs from the FindFeedPaths method in that, FindFeedPathsShowWork returns every junction and edge that was visited during the search for paths. |
 | TraceDownstream | This method traces downstream of the Start Element. However, the directionInfo argument may be set to allow this method to trace in all directions. |
See Also