ArcFM Engine Developer Guide
D8List Interface Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by D8List.

Public Properties
 PropertyAcceptNonSymbolizedItemsReturns a True or False value indicating whether this item accepts non-symbolized items. (Inherited from Miner.Interop.ID8List)
 PropertyAcceptSymbolizedItemsReturns a True or False value indicating whether this item accepts symbolized items. (Inherited from Miner.Interop.ID8List)
 PropertyDefaultItemPoints to the child listitem that is designated as the default item in the list. Defaultitem is NULL if there is no default item. (Inherited from Miner.Interop.ID8List)
 PropertyDisplayChildrenReturns a True or False value indicating whether to show the children of an item in the list. (Inherited from Miner.Interop.ID8List)
 PropertyHasChildrenReturns a True or False value indicating whether the list has children. (Inherited from Miner.Interop.ID8List)
 PropertyHasVisibleChildrenReturns a True or False value indicating whether an item in the list has visible children. (Inherited from Miner.Interop.ID8List)
Public Methods
 MethodAddAdds a list item to the list. (Inherited from Miner.Interop.ID8List)
 MethodAddExSupports adding multiple items by passing in a safearray. After adding all of the items in the safearray, the method will fire the ItemRebuilt event. (Inherited from Miner.Interop.ID8List)
 MethodAddFrontAdds an item to the front of the list. (Inherited from Miner.Interop.ID8List)
 MethodAddSortedIf the list is sorted, items will be added in sorted position. (Inherited from Miner.Interop.ID8List)
 MethodClearRemoves all list items from the list. (Inherited from Miner.Interop.ID8List)
 MethodFindFinds the list item that is the same as the SearchItem in the list. Comparison is based whether you decide to compare GeoObject or attributes or both. Reference to the matching list item is return as FoundItem. FoundItem is NULL if not found. (Inherited from Miner.Interop.ID8List)
 MethodInsertInserts a list item at the location indicated by the Position parameter. (Inherited from Miner.Interop.ID8List)
 MethodNextRetrieves the next listitem in the list. Returns NULL when there are no items or the end of the list is reached. (Inherited from Miner.Interop.ID8List)
 MethodRefreshChildrenRefreshes the list items. (Inherited from Miner.Interop.ID8List)
 MethodRemoveRemoves specified item from the list. (Inherited from Miner.Interop.ID8List)
 MethodResetResets the list iterator. Call before the first call to Next or when you need to get the first item in the list. (Inherited from Miner.Interop.ID8List)
 MethodSortUses the mmSortType enumeration to sort the list items (Inherited from Miner.Interop.ID8List)
 MethodWillAcceptItem (Inherited from Miner.Interop.ID8List)
See Also


D8List Interface
Miner.Interop Namespace



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